Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Coffee and Walnut Ice cream

Maple walnut ice cream
Who said you needed an ice cream maker? I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how easy this ice cream is to make, and it’s totally delicious!

This recipe is certainly going to wow your family and friends.

› ¼ cup milk
› 2 tbsp instant coffee powder
› 2 cups (500ml) cream
› 1 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
› 1 tin (395g/14oz) sweetened condensed milk
› 2 tbsp brandy or rum (optional)

Heat the milk in a small pot or microwave, mix in the coffee powder until dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Whip the cream in a medium-size bowl until soft peaks form.
Fold the remaining ingredients and the milky coffee into the whipped cream until well combined.
Pour the mixture into a container and freeze.
Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving to soften slightly.

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