Embracing the true spirit of the season is Sarah Blong of the iconic Paradice Ice Skating, along with husband Chris, son Alex and daughter Elizabeth – they got the sleigh out just in time for Santa to arrive. And just in case Santa wants to know, Sarah hopes there’ll be a copy of ‘Stonefields’ by Australian gardener Paul Bangay under the tree this year!
Where will you be this Christmas?
We will be spending the day in Auckland with family and friends.
Most memorable Christmas gift?
A standout present would have to be a Christmas gift I received as a child from my favourite uncle from Australia. My uncle seemed to know what was trending and gave me a fabulous bright pink Swatch watch which was all the rage at the time and a pair of bright white Reeboks I had been dreaming of.
The excitement of receiving a gift from overseas plus an on-trend gift made it unbeatable!
Favourite Christmas carol?
‘O Holy Night’ is my absolute all-time favourite!
Best Christmas?
A memorable Christmas for me was when we hired a little bach at Waiomu Bay on the Thames Coast, Coromandel. Family flew over from Melbourne and my grandmother who lived in Thames was able to join us. Our son Alex was one, so it was the first Christmas for us as a little family. We manged to cook up a delicious feast in the simple kitchen and enjoy all being together.
Christmas disaster?
One of my many cooking disasters was the pavlova I made for Christmas lunch. It looked fabulous in the oven and rose beautifully until it blew apart.
Thankfully cream held it together but it looked pretty dismal against the other stand-out Christmas desserts, sadly.
Signature Christmas dish?
My favourite Christmas dish that I make every year is the class Italian Tiramisu made with coffee, Salvadori biscuits, mascarpone and Kahlua. Homemade rum-soaked Christmas cake is also a favourite I like to serve on the day.
Typical Christmas day?
Christmas day typically starts with Santa stockings being opened, then croissants and bubbles and the Christmas carols playing. I always like to light a candle to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us. We share strawberries and champagne with my children’s Godmother and then enjoy Christmas lunch and the day with extended family. The day will usually include some fun games like croquet out on the lawn, a dog walk and phone calls to family overseas followed by watching a favourite Christmas movie at the end of the day.
Christmas wish-list?
A festive day enjoying family and friends and I’m hoping a copy of ‘Stonefields’ by Australian gardener Paul Bangay will be under the tree!