Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Golden Years: a world of possible ideas

Posh to moderate retirement villages are a great option for most retirees—but not all!
For those who have reservations about moving into a retirement village there are other inviting options you may want to weigh up and consider if it’s the right fit for you.

Have you ever wondered why retirement age is called Golden Years?

It may have something to do with the fact that a golden age is the overarching time in a person’s life or country’s history when the greatest achievements have happened. The term originated from early Greek and Roman poets, who used it to refer to a period best described as pure gold!

Have you thought about how or where you’d like to spend your golden years?

Living on a cruise liner: life’s a cruise! Retiring on a cruise liner is the ultimate fantasy for many who dream of living on the big boat as they sail away into the horizon. Who wouldn’t want to be on a holiday 365 days of the year, visiting countries, making new friends, getting entertained, and having all your needs looked after? With long term cruising discounts, credit card points and senior price breaks – some argue that retiring on a cruise liner may work out cheaper than the cost of assisted living. There are several cruise lines that allow travellers to purchase an apartment or condo onboard, with food and other amenities included. However, it would help to go on a three month cruise to check if you enjoy the rhythm of a floating home and can take in the occasional rough seas.

Escape and explore in RVs: it’s time to hit the road! Has the thought of selling your home and belongings to invest in an RV and travel the length and breath of the country, crossed your mind? Living in a motor home gives people the freedom to explore and be in charge of their expenses and experiences. While some prefer to rent out their home before they hit the road so that they have a place to come back to, others find long term spots at RV parks equally welcome. Renting an RV before you purchase one, could initially provide the experience of RV living without fully committing to it.

Home sharing: sharing a home with your family, friends or like-minded people with some rules in place is a good option for those seeking companionship and a lower cost of living. Having a roomie around, also provides an extra layer of security as it helps with household chores, grocery shopping, going to the theatre or concert. For those who’d like to explore the option, Senior Homeshares and Silvernest specialise in connecting seniors interested in co-habiting—on their own terms.

Aging in place: If you prefer to grow old at home in familiar surroundings, you may want to consider having some assistance and services in place.

For instance Driving Miss Daisy provides safe, friendly and reliable companion driving service which offers independence and peace of mind as they make your journey as safe as possible.

There are other valuable services available, including Elderly Assist. For those who find the journey through retirement tough, Janice Wills of Elderly Assist helps clients to navigate their choice of retiring at home. She provides in-house services to assist them to either remain in their own home or to downsize, declutter and relocate to a smaller home or retirement village.

With the right help, in terms of cleaning or support service such as Hire a Hubby; Greenacres for maintaining your garden; or ordering healthy, fresh meals from Eat, one can continue to lead a normal life in familiar surroundings.

Support services such as Age Concern, East Health Trust Primary Health Organisation and Giving Time, readily provide specialised services for over 65 and help navigate the unknown.

Probus Clubs, U3A, Crossnet-Golden Age Coffee Club, Rotary, Lions, Grey Power also play a huge role to ensure that retirees have active social interaction, outings, intellectual stimulation, and continue to contribute to society.

Another helpful tool is a workbook that helps put your affairs in order. Authored by Lynn Kidd, I am Sorted provides useful information/checklists to guide you through setting out your wishes for health, legal matters, funeral and provide vital contacts for those to manage your affairs when the time is right.

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