Let’s pop the champagne. The season of cheer is here. Our social calendar is filling up so fast, it’s hard to keep track.
Isn’t it amazing to see people out and about, getting back in touch with humanity?

The Howick Village Hop was a perfect snapshot of people celebrating life on the streets, valuing the newfound freedom of living without any restrictions.
The Festival of Lights, Diwali was celebrated with gusto not only locally but also on a grander scale at the Aotea Centre. Loved the buzz! It’s priceless… to be free, to laugh, eat, drink and make merry with friends, again! Forget the rising cost of living. Let’s live in the moment and enjoy the sunshine!
There’s something about seasons in the sun that gives us a new shot of energy which permeates every aspect of our lives… including our living spaces. Spring-summer is all about recharging and renewal.
In this issue we have an indoor-outdoor flow that focuses on reinvigorating and refreshing your home. From sprucing up your nest with eye-catching furniture, rugs and accessories to adding finishing touches with elements of style—it’s a seamless journey from the front door to the backyard! There is also an opportunity to find your garden grove.
Another celebration of creativity, art and style awaits you between the pages. An incredible visual treat that spells WOW!
Come to think of it, it’s almost magical how a magazine or a book comes together. It always starts with an idea which kicks off a creative process. Sometimes it may seem impossible to achieve it with deadlines looming ahead—think, deer caught in headlights!… and then, there is synchronicity as things begin to fall into place. Not only do the stories stream in but the design, cover, adverts, revenue, all magically fall into place. Even after all these years in the media, it never fails to fascinate! As a colleague of mine said, ‘it always comes together eventually’. And sometimes, way better than we imagined!
After deliberating over the cover image last issue, it was heartening to have readers call in to say how inspired they were with the cover story on Soghra Habibi’s tumultuous journey from Afghanistan to Auckland. Moved by her story, a reader even mentioned she was keen to help at the Refugee Education for Adults and Children by volunteering her service. “I could teach English or drive them to the supermarket or even take then out for a coffee and chat, to accustom them to the new way of life in New Zealand,” she offered.
Another reader called in to say her idea of bliss is reading the latest issue of EastLife magazine with a cup of coffee in hand. Bless! And our idea of bliss? Just getting to hear how much you enjoy the magazine.