Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Centennial celebrations for Inner Wheel

Celebrating 100 years of empowering women to make a positive impact on the community is no mean feat. The Inner Wheel Club of Howick celebrated its centennial year, commemorated by Inner Wheel Clubs round the world on January 10.

Ladies of the Inner Wheel Club started the day at the historical Shamrock Café and ended the big day along with their partners at the Good Home. The celebrations will continue through the centennial year, says Huibrie Keyser, president of Inner Wheel Club Howick.

“To celebrate the centenary, each country across the globe has an initiative unique to that country.

“Nationally, the Inner Wheel New Zealand National Governing Body, commissioned a special rose,” she informs as she takes pride in explaining that this particular rose is called ‘In Friendship’.

Exclusive to Inner Wheel NZ, they hold the worldwide patent for it.

“It is cultivated especially for our organisation by Matthews Nurseries Ltd, to be the centre of our International Inner Wheel Celebrating 100 years. The rose is featured in the January issue of the New Zealand Rose Review and will be selected as the Rose of the Month in March. The proceeds of the sale of the rose will be distributed to GirlBoss NZ and Mitey-Sir John Kirwan Foundation,” says Keyser.

Chartered in 1991, The Inner Wheel Howick have contributed to local communities by knitting for new born babies at Middlemore and the Botany Birthing Unit; made dolls’ cots for Kidz First; sewn dresses for Dress a Girl Around the World; collected bras for Project uplift; and made sanitary items for Days for Girls.

All this with the help of grants received from the Council, Inner Wheel Howick supports Seasons for Growth in Howick; Children’s Health Camp (STAND) at Half Moon Bay and Multi Agency in Manukau.

They are associated with the National Inner Wheel’s ‘Look Good Feel Better’ service project through the year. And work closely with Pakuranga Rotary, annually delivering pictorial dictionaries to Year 4 at low decile schools as well as help pack Emergency Response Kits for the Fiji appeal. They also cater for Rotary’s fundraising activities, and have a bake sale, for fundraising, at the River Community Carnival.

To promote true friendship, Inner Wheel Howick have monthly meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Highland Park Community Centre. They regularly meet for morning tea on the first Wednesday of the month with their ‘friendly 4s’ being a huge success. This is where four or five ladies get together for dinner or a movie.

“As we celebrate a century of achievements, Inner Wheel will reflect on the countless lives touched, and the enduring spirit of compassion that defines the organisation,” says Keyser.

Inner Wheel is an international organisation with a focus on promoting friendship, encouraging the idea of personal service, and fostering international understanding. With a presence in 104 countries and with over 120,000 members, Inner Wheel continues to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. It has been a driving force in charitable endeavours, humanitarian aid, and community development across a wide variety of cultures and in many regions.

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