Tuesday, February 18, 2025

SNAPCHAT: Aimee Scott

Aimee Scott’s passion for wellbeing has been lifelong. Having suffered from severe asthma since she was born, the only answer to life without an inhaler was to get progressively fitter. The personal trainer and owner of AIMZ Fitness now helps others with their fitness goals.

My strength… comes from consistency in training. Mental fortitude comes from showing up even when you don’t feel super motivated.

In my gym bag… is my training diary, deodorant, grip straps, water bottle and heaps of random coins!
My real-life hero… is Dr Libby Weaver who is a wealth of health knowledge.

I love… to help people gain confidence in themselves through movement, particularly gym based resistance training and Pilates classes.

My mantra… Aimz Fitness was founded 11 years ago and started as a little home gym with the most basic equipment! I’ve always said to myself ‘do what you can, with what you’ve got’. With this attitude, you can overcome most challenges.

I’m passionate about… creating fitness programs that promote optimal movement, well-being, and strength for my clients at every stage of life. Additionally, I have a keen interest in exploring the connection between exercise and lifestyle in the role of preventing/reversing health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol.

When I’m not at the gym… I love getting outdoors and going for bush walks. Nature is the best healer.

Biggest high… is hearing how exercise has made a positive difference in my client’s lives. Helping them find confidence and enjoy movement is an
honour and privilege, I never take for granted.

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