Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mortgage Investments & Election 2023

Heather Kentsley, Southern Cross Partners

Heather Kentsley

As a specialist property lender that relies on the property market, we take a keen interest in which way the election goes.

Tax cuts, changes to immigration policies and funding for infrastructure can all play a part in the roller coaster of real estate.

One constant is New Zealanders’ love affair with property. Whether its building and developing or adding to the investment portfolio we just love to invest in bricks & mortar.

Reflecting on what was happening in New Zealand during the last election in October 2020:

We were in the middle of Covid, recovering from lockdowns and had a whole new vocabulary to learn with words such as lockdown, social distancing, working from home.

During this time, we noticed that the status quo remained with our own customers.

Borrowers still needed to purchase or develop property and our investors still wanted an excellent return using first mortgage secured property.

What about investors? We believe we have an excellent product that offers investors the choice of where their funds are invested and the exact first mortgage security that supports that investment. Putting the choice in investor’s hands is the cornerstone of why we started peer to peer investments.

Yet we observed that some new or inexperienced investors preferred to take a wait and see approach. Other long-time investors with Southern Cross Partners (SCP) and those with more experience in mortgage investing continued with their investment strategies.

However, we all know the wheels of any government moves slowly and no sweeping changes to the economy are predicted to take place come Monday October 16.

Our prediction for SCP is our business will keep growing. Regardless of a red, blue, green or multi coloured government in power, the real estate market, that is our bread and butter, will keep on turning allowing us to stick with what we know, lending on quality security, to strong borrowers and offering these to our investors at competitive rates designed to enhance their lifestyles.

To learn more about how SCP peer to peer investments work, please to contact us on 0800 00 58 43 or email:

Disclaimer: All investment opportunities are subject to change and subject to availability. Southern Cross Partners Ltd is licensed to provide Peer to Peer lending services under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. This article is general in nature only and has not taken into account any particular person’s objectives or circumstances. We recommend you speak with a financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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